About Us
Soleil Academy is an open-enrollment, tuition-free, TK-5th grade public elementary school in the city of Lynwood, authorized by the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
All Soleil Academy scholars develop the skills, knowledge, and character habits so that they are on track to succeed in college and the professional career of their choice. This work begins with a relentless, unapologetic belief that all students can and will succeed, regardless of their socio-economic status, race, language spoken at home, or educational attainment of their families.

Through academic rigor, character development, and a structured learning environment, Soleil Academy Charter School will ensure that every transitional kindergarten through fifth grade scholar has the foundation necessary for college success and a future bright with opportunity.
Soleil Academy Charter School provides an academically challenging, disciplined, and jubilant elementary school in which all members of the school community — board members, leaders, teachers, families, and scholars — understand and are driven by the mission of Soleil Academy, rooted in the belief that the path to college for all students begins in elementary school.
We devote the majority of our financial, temporal, and curricular resources towards powerful literacy acquisition for our scholars; we provide a unique and comprehensive focus on the development of oral language as the hallmark of our school wide enrichment program; and we measure students’ academic progress on growth, comparative, and absolute terms.

Our Educational Philosophy
To ensure the success of all learners, placing them on the path to college, Soleil Academy is built on four core principles about teaching and learning that we believe can change the educational landscape in Lynwood.
Literacy is the foundation of all learning.
College readiness begins in Kindergarten.
Individualized supports lead all learners to success.
Data drives all decisions.
Board and Operating Documents
Per California state law, we publish our board meeting minutes for public viewing. Please click here for access to public documents.
Authorization Information
Soleil Academy was authorized by the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
Contact Information:
Rene Cardona
Our authorized petition is available for public viewing.